The world needs biologists like never before to solve many of today's challenges. At Wilkes as a biology major, you'll get solid preparation for graduate and medical programs as well as a range of biology-related professions in business, government, 非营利组织与教育.


项目类型 格式 学分
大,小 校园 122(未成年人22)


Our faculty work closely with you both in and outside the classroom to help you gain 成为成功的生物学家所需的知识和技能. 生物系的教职员工都很敬业 to teaching excellence and ability to conduct research with undergraduates. 你会 在第一年就投入到真正的项目中去. 我们的广泛课程提供 you with maximum flexibility and prepares you for a variety of advanced programs and 生物学的职业. 从本质上讲,澳门赌场在线娱乐的生物学教师们想要 你要成功. 通过利用我们广泛的研究机会, you can complete your bachelor’s degree with a master's level of research experience. 我们的许多学生毕业后直接进入博士课程.


  • You'll gain knowledge encompassing diverse areas of biology, including cell and molecular biology, structure and function, ecology and evolution and the plant sciences.
  • You'll build scientific investigative skills and learn techniques including genomics, animal behavior, biodiversity, population and ecosystem biology, botany and quantitative 建模技巧.
  • You'll gain the ability to think critically about biological issues and to think about 与生物科学相关的人的维度. 你会变得很熟练 at reading technical literature in biology, how to write about biology and how to develop and present oral, poster-based and manuscript-based descriptions of your work.



As early as your first year, you'll be encouraged to pursue original research with 教员. Current faculty research projects include DNA fingerprinting of plants and insects, development of cancers in digestive and respiratory systems, restoration of ecosystems disturbed by human activity, small-mammal communities, the effects of juvenile hormones on invertebrates and identification of structure and expression 植物、果蝇、老鼠和其他生物的基因.


许多学生获得了州和国家的夏季研究补助金. 学生们 在中国、印度和澳大利亚的暑期项目中度过. 其他人则参与了研究 closer to home at Penn State 大学, Albert Einstein Medical Center and Cornell 大学. Wilkes offers numerous paid summer positions as well, and these include 免费暑期住宿.


The 生物工程4+1专业 combines four years of undergraduate study in biology 还有一年的生物工程研究生学习. 这个跨学科项目 includes concepts in engineering, biology, medicine, health and computer science, with your choice of biomedical engineering or synthetic biology tracks.

“Your college experience is what you make of it, I truly love everything I’m involved in.”Neha Metgud '22 -生物学专业
I will forever cherish the amazing relationships I have made during my time here at 澳门赌场在线娱乐,不仅是我的好朋友,还有全体教员.Megan Eller '20 -生物医学博士研究生
No matter what title someone held, they were always full of a bounty of knowledge 这将有助于引导你走向一个或另一个方向.Seth Platukas '20 -中学科学和职业技术教师

发射的经验 外部网站


of students complete research, often starting as early as their first year


acres of forest and streams for outdoor classwork and research at Wilkes' 雅各布斯财产




The 科恩科学中心 features state-of-the-art equipment and laboratory space for hands-on, experiential learning – a hallmark of the Wilkes experience. 这是获得leed认证, 所以你知道它是按照环保标准建造的.


This 10-acre scrub-shrub wetland on the southern end of nearby Lake Nuangola provides 户外生态实验室. 沼泽是稀有珍贵植物的家园,如 as the pitcher plant, sundew, large-fruited cranberry, water arum, buttonbush and 几种泥炭藓.



Located on the second floor of the 科恩科学中心, the 基因组学中心 has high-end 先进分子遗传学分析所需的设备. 学生可以使用 an ABI StepOne Plus real time Thermo cycler and two Bio-Rad T100 Thermo cyclers. We have two NanoDrop micro-scale spectrophotometers, a Molecular Devices Spectramax M4 微型平板阅读器和UVP凝胶记录相机. 最后,我们有两个新不伦瑞克省 Excella E24 shaking incubators, one with refrigeration capabilities and a Thermo Sciences -80˚C冰箱.


澳门赌场在线娱乐生物系拥有优良的显微镜资源. 学生实验室装备齐全 with Leica stereoscopic dissecting and compound microscopes, with the front microscopes 具有图像捕获功能. 显微镜中心具有暗场/暗相 contrast/fluorescence compound microscope for research and advanced coursework use.


Housed in the 科恩科学中心, the herbarium holds more than 3,300 specimens 压榨植物,其中85%在宾夕法尼亚州收集. 超过一半的人来了 来自学生收藏.


The 110-acre 雅各布斯财产 serves as an outdoor classroom and research laboratory. It consists mainly of forest and features two streams and a beaver pond. 学生 monitor trees and wildlife and inventory organisms using the iNaturalist app.

职业生涯 & 结果

A biology degree from Wilkes prepares you for a variety of career paths, whether you aspire to enter the medical field or prefer a role rooted in research and education. The majority of our students enter professional school after graduation and many achieve high-paying jobs in allopathic and osteopathic medicine, as well as allied health 验光、足病和牙科等专业. 生物专业的学生也可以选择 careers in natural sciences, academia, agriculture, food science, forensics, pharmaceuticals 甚至是科学写作和出版.


  • 联邦卫生系统
  • 盖辛格卫生系统
  • 宾夕法尼亚州自然保护部 & 自然资源
  • 赛诺菲安万特
  • 布莱根妇女医院
  • 博德科技集团有限公司.
  • 威斯卡塞特(缅因州)教育系
  • 圣马特奥县(加州)卫生局
  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室
  • 埃克森美孚


  • 普林斯顿大学
  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院
  • 纽约州立大学北部医科大学
  • 盖辛格联邦医学院
  • 德雷塞尔大学医学院
  • 德克萨斯州的一个&米大学
  • 华盛顿大学
  • 特拉华大学
  • 德克萨斯理工大学
  • 马里兰大学



In the BS major, you will take a minimum of five electives, with one upper-level course 从五个类别中的每一个.


In the BA major, you will take a minimum of four electives, with one upper-level course 从五个类别中的四个类别中选出.

Regardless of the degree you choose, you'll study a diversity of upper-level courses: molecular and cellular biology, structural and functional biology, diversity and population 生物学,植物生物学和定量生物学.